My Evening Skincare Routine

I have pretty bad skin but I have found a few products which work pretty well at keeping my acne at bay (as far as that is possible) and still moisturizing my dry skin.
I do have mild acne with blackheads, whiteheads and big spots (sorry for grossing you out here) but at the same time my skin is very dehydrated and I can get dry patches all over my face if I don't take care of it.
Cleansers |
I like to use my Clinique Take The Day Off cleansing balm, especially when I am wearing make up that day, because it feels really good on my dry skin and it removes every last trace of my make up. It even removes waterproof mascara within seconds.
I massage it into my dry face for 30 sec. to 1 minute and than add a little bit of warm water and take everything off with a muslin cloth.
After that I use the Avene Clean-Ac cleansing creme to really deep clean my skin. This is a soap-free cleanser that is super gentle and won't dry out your skin.
Exfoliators | |
For chemical exfoliators I usually use the Paula's Choice 2% BHA Liquid which helps to get rid of my spots and fade my acne scars. So it does make spots disappear faster but it doesn't prevent them from coming at all. To change it up I like to use my Alpha H Liquid Gold once or twice every week, to help my scars disappear even faster and to brighten dull skin. As a spot treatment I am still using up a sample of the Avene TriAcneal gel, which is a thick yellow-y gel with glycolic acid. I put a thick layer of it on any of my big spots and though it doesn't get rid of them overnight, it really heps to reduce their size.
Masks | |
When I am not too lazy, I try to use a mask at least once a week. My two favourite masks are the Origins Clear Improvement Active Charcol Mask and the Avene Cleanance Mask.
The Origins mask is a grey charcol mask, which really helps to draw out the dirt in your pores. I like to use it before I go to bed and I can see a clear improvement in the appearance of my skin the next day.
The Avene Cleanance mask is again with glycolic acid. You're only suppossed to leave it on for 5 minutes since it is so aggressive. It also helps to make my spots fade quicker and to brighten my skin.
Moisturizers |
Because my skin is so very dry, I have to use a thick moisturizer at night. I am currently really liking the Lush Celestial moisturizers, because it is super hydrating, it's natural and it doesn't break me out. I find it really hard to find a thick moisturizer that doesn't break me out, so the Lush one is perfect.
For my lips or any super dry and cracked skin, I use the Eucerin Aquaphor Healing Ointment which works wonders! I am absolutely obsessed with this stuff. It is a great lip balm but it also helps to heal small cuts.
Great products!