Friday, 27 February 2015

First Impression: L'Oreal Miss Manga Punky Mascara

When I first heard about the new Miss Manga Mascara, I knew I had to get my hands on it. I usually like to use the L'Oreal Telescopic Mascara, since it really lengthens my lashes. What I look for in a mascara is usually a plastic wand, lenght instead of volume and I definitely prefer a bolder look.

As you can see this mascara has a plastic brush with very short bristles that are quite far apart and the brush holds a lot of product. This really helps to build up the lashes and helps you apply a lot of product in very little time. The brush is designed to make your lashes look spicky and bold.

Before: My lashes are naturally not very thick and quite short. Here they are already curled.

After: This is one coat of mascara. As you can see, this mascara is not meant to look natural.

 It may appear a little too bold, but when you take a step back, it is not so overwhelming. Especially when I wear very little make up, I like my eyes to stand out, and this mascara really does that for me.

- Julia xxx

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